A Message from David W. Daniels
Author David W. Daniels shares a true story from one of his books that illustrates what happens when we don't teach our children how to understand some of the unfamiliar words in the King James Bible. Don't settle for a modern corruption of what God actually said! |
A Quick Comparison of Bible Versions
A small sampling of verse comparisons between the KJV and NIV. |
An Amazing Coincidence —Or Is It?
Why are people so sloppy about the very words of God? The Creator and Sustainer of the universe has lowered Himself to give us His rules and regulations, His principles and promises, His blessings and cursings. They are all there in one holy Book. The King James Bible. |
Anything but THAT one!
Any bible but the KJV... |
Are King James Bible believers church splitters?
Video transcript - What should you do if your church moves away from the King James Bible? Should you leave? |
Are Modern Bibles Built on a Faulty Foundation?
Is it possible one of the two pillars supporting the modern, billion-dollar Bible industry is a counterfeit? |
Are the Scriptures just the IDEAS of God, or are they His very WORDS? You decide!
God promised to preserve his WORDS, not just his ideas. See how clear he made that. |
Are there mistakes in the King James Bible?
What if there really ARE mistakes in the King James Bible? |
Are There Perfect Bibles in non-English Languages?
HIstory shows that God revealed Himself to man in one language at a time. Those were then translated. From 'The Answer Book' by Samuel Gipp. |
Are We Really Too Dumb to Read the King James?
One third of the nations in the world speak English either as a first or second language. God has decided to put His precious words for us in one language for both the Old and New Testaments. And He did this around 1611. God placed His riches into this language which has become universal. |
Are Words Missing in the KJV?
Opponents of the King James Version like to say that there is an error in the text because Jesus' words "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen" are found in Matthew but not in Luke. |
Are you crazy for being KJV only?
Video transcript - Is being King James Only a crazy, extreme position? How should you handle people's scorn? |
Aren't there archaic words in the Bible?
Aren't there archaic words in the Bible needing modern translation? |
Authorized Version No More Archaic Than Modern Versions Or Even The Newspapers
"Does the AV Bible (King James Version) contain archaic words? Certainly," says author Laurance Vance in his recent book, "Archaic Words and the Authorized Version." |
Benefits of Trusting the KJV
Look what changes when you trust the KJV - your 'attitude' and your 'confidence.' |
Bible Translation Leader Says, "I'm In Trouble With The Lord."
Dr. Frank Logsdon, project member of the translation committee for the New American Standard Version (NASB), has denounced his work on that Bible and urged all Christians to return to the Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Bible. |
Bible Versions: People Seem to be Running Out of Questions
Chick's stand for the King James Version as the preserved Words of God created a barrage of outrage as well as legitimate inquiries. |
Bible Versions: What Difference Does it Make?
Are there good reasons why we should be concerned about the proliferation of Bible versions, or is it "much ado about nothing?" |
Booklet Defining KJV English Words Fits in Back of Your Bible
After deciding that the King James Bible is the only perfectly preserved Word of God, what do you do with the old English words which you don't understand? |
'But Dad, Which One is God's Word?'
What happens when a pastor reads the Bible, but a child finds his own Bible says something different? The result does not build faith. |
Can Using 15 Bibles Give Us God's Words?
15 Bibles? You're going to have "interpretations" - people's private commentaries - not "translations." |
Conversation in a 'Bible' Bookstore
Is your bible the perfect word of God? |
Critics of the Authorized Version
Excerpt from chapter 9 of "Understandable History of the Bible" by Samuel C. Gipp. |
Did Acts 12:4 say "Passover" or "Easter" in the original 1611 Bible?
Does the King James Bible say "Passover" in Acts 12:4? |
Did God Plan a Do-It-Yourself Bible?
Do you think the Lord cared enough about His holy words to preserve them in a book His own children can read and believe today? |
Did Jesus Have A Beginning? What Does Your Bible Say?
Examples of verses that should show Jesus divinity, but have been watered down in modern Bibles. Does your Bible change the great prophecies of Jesus, only to use wording that suggests he had a beginning and is not eternal? If so, buy a new one. |
Did Jesus lie to His own brothers?
Video transcript - By removing a single word, many Bibles record Jesus as lying to his brothers. How can He then be the perfect sacrifice for sin? |
Did Only Nicodemus Need to Be Born Again? Or Do We All Need to Be?
Modern scholars argue that we should dump the KJV, and it's Classical English, for an "easier-to-read" Bible. But what if the modern Bibles change important doctrines by removing the Classical English words that tell the reader exactly what God wants him or her to know? |
Did the Catholic Church Hide the Bible?
How can you say the Catholic Church hid the Bible, when the first printed Bible (Gutenberg's) was a Roman Catholic Bible? |
Did the King James Translators Claim Inspiration?
No, but that doesn't mean that God didn't guide them. From 'The Answer Book' by Samuel Gipp. |
Didn't the first King James Bible contain the Apocrypha?
Why the King James translators rejected the Apocrypha, placing it BETWEEN the testaments, not in them. |
Do you have to believe before you are baptized?
Be careful! Your Bible may not say so, opening the door to infant baptism. What does your Bible say? |
Does "replenish" in Genesis 1:28 mean "repopulate," like there was a world before ours?
The meaning has changed. To "replenish" means to fill. Adam and Eve were told only to "fill" the earth, not "refill" it. |
Does God Care About the "Original Autographs?"
It has gotten so weird in the last 150 years that in order to say that you believe in the Bible, you have to say, "I believe in the verbal, plenary, infallible, inerrancy of the original autographs." |
Does Mark 16 Have 20 Verses... Or 8?
If you trust text critics, the original gospel had no bodily resurrection! So why trust them? |
Does 'Palestine' Belong in the Book of Joshua?
There was no such region as 'Palestine' when the Bible was written. Attempting to 'modernize' the Bible leads to confusion. |
Does the Apocrypha Belong in Your Bible?
The Jews rejected it as part of their Scripture (the Old Testament). But the push continues to add it to the KJV. |
Does The New King James Use the Same Texts As The KJV?
The NKJV is not a revision of the King James Bible at all. There is a subtle and deadly poison injected into the NKJV: it changes the meaning of God's words and it lifts up other texts that disagree with the King James |
Does Your Bible Teach You to Worship New Age Gods?
Riplinger points out that the new versions remove Jesus Christ because, "The religions of the world believe that ‘god' created all things but not by Jesus Christ." |
God's Words or Just His Ideas?
Are the Scriptures just the "ideas" of God, or are they the very WORDS of God? You decide! |
Gunpowder and Your KJV Bible
The fascinating history of the "Gunpowder Plot" which was supposed to prevent the production of the English Bible authorized by King James. |
Has God Only Preserved A Bible For English Speakers?
God has preserved His words through the broad flow of history in certain specific languages: Hebrew, Greek, Old Latin and English. Other languages have the blessed opportunity to follow what God has revealed and translate it into their languages. |
Has the King James Bible been changed, between 1611 and the present day?
There have only been two modifications of the King James Bible. Find out what they are. |
Hasn't the King James Bible been revised?
Careful examination of early editions of the King James Bible show corrections of spelling and printer's errors, but no true revision. |
History Proves the Power of the KJV
Jesus said that a man would be known by his fruits. Apparently this also applies to Bibles. |
How can the 1611 King James Bible come from the 1633 Textus Receptus?
The Textus Receptus didn't appear until 1633 so how can the King James Bible, which was translated in 1611, be translated from it? |
How Many Mistakes Are There in the KJV?
There are no mistakes in the KJV |
I Just Can't Believe It!
It's easy to see the change in people when they begin reading God's preserved words, the King James Bible |
Is "King James Only" a non-scholarly position?
Video transcript - Are those who read only the King James stupid and uneducated? |
Is 1 John 5:7 not in any Greek manuscript before the 1600s? If it is true, why is it in the KJV?
1 John 5:7 belongs in the King James Bible and was preserved by faithful Christians. But the passage was removed from many Greek manuscripts, because of the problems it seemed to cause. |
Is God Really Able to Preserve His Word?
"Did God really preserve His Word for us today?" This question is central to all Bible version arguments. |
Is Isaiah 53:4 a mistranslation for the words "pain" and "suffering" as grief and sorrows?
Isn't Isaiah 53:4 a mistranslation? Shouldn't "grief" and "sorrows" have been translated "pain" and "suffering?" |
Is It Enough To Find The Missing Words In the NIV Footnotes?
By putting the words into the footnotes, publishers make the reader think 1) they did not really belong in the Bible and 2) they are not really important. |
Is It Hard To Be Saved?
Just look at the differences between the KJV and the NIV. |
Is Jesus "God's Son" or "God's Servant?"
Do you see a difference between these two Bible versions? |
Is the King James Bible All Wrong About Death and Hell?
Are the accusers right that it is translated wrong? Or is this just one more lie Satan has cooked up about the KJV? |
Is the KJV Inspired or Preserved?
Are only the originals inspired, or did God preserve a completely accurate Bible text for us? |
Is the KJV Wrong About Hell?
Author David W Daniels refutes King James Bible translation errors discussed on a radio show by Dr. Robert A Morey. |
Is Trust in the Bible Important?
A recent issue of a national Christian magazine carried an article about a young man who lost faith in the Bible while in Bible school and now considers himself a "happy agnostic." |
Isn't "Easter" a Mistranslation of "Pascha" and Should It Be Translated As "Passover"?
From 'The Answer Book' by Samuel Gipp.- Isn't 'Easter' in Acts 12:4 a mistranslation of the word 'pascha' and should it be translated as 'passover'? |
Isn't the New Scofield Bible a King James Bible'?
Publishers have changed the notes in the Scofield Bible until it no longer should carry his name. It carries notes he NEVER wrote |
King James Bible a Major Obstacle to the New World Order
A famous occultist reveals how the King James Bible is hindering the New World Order. |
KJV: 400 Years of God's Power in English
For over 300 years, it was not only the standard for God's word in English, but it also standardized the English language. |
KJV's Built-in Dictionary Helps Prisoner Jump-Start His Education
Gregory Bruner found himself in a Florida prison, serving a ten-year sentence for manslaughter. But he wasn't the same man that he was when he committed the crime that sent him there. |
Linguist says:
'King James Bible Changed My Life'
David Daniels, a trained linguist conversant in Greek and Hebrew, had just read Gail Riplinger's book New Age Bible Versions. |
Linguists says: "King James Bible Changed My Life"
What happened when a Christian linguist saw why he could trust the King James Bible. |
Look What's Missing - Even in Revelation
Would you rather your friends read a Bible that God has clearly blessed, or one He has clearly cursed? |
Muddled Bibles Make Shallow Christians
If you're not really sure what the Bible teaches (because there are so many translations), why change your life based upon it? |
Must scholars tell you what God really means?
Video transcript - Can we only understand the Bible with the help of scholars? But they can't even agree on what the Bible says! |
New Bible Translations:
Are They Really Easier To Understand?
Here, excerpted from "The Answer Book" on Bible translations by Dr. Samuel Gipp, is an interesting and thought-provoking approach to this question. |
New KJV Workbook Helps Clarify Bible Versions Issue
Why were the words he was reading different than the ones his pastor was saying? |
NIV Gets Sex Change
The new version, called "Today's NIV" or TNIV for short, is supposedly a "gender-accurate" version of the NIV Bible. |
NIV Subtly Diminishes Character and Ministry of Jesus
"We, today, are living at a time when the attacks upon Jesus Christ find no equal in history..." |
One Greek Letter Can Change the Gospel
Can just one Greek letter change the gospel from God-centered to man-centered? You are about to find out. |
Pope Decides It's Okay To Read the Bible
Enough doctrinal changes have been made to God's Word that the Pope can now urge his people to read the 'Bible.' |
Publishers Must Make New Bibles
Harder to Read or Give Up Copyright Dollars
Gail Riplinger's new book, "Which Bible Is God's Word?" contains answers to common questions concerning modern versions and translations. |
Should the Bible say "Lucifer" or "morning star" in Isaiah 14:12?
Specific reasons why we know this refers to Satan. |
Should “Suffer not a witch to live” in Exodus read “poisoner” instead of “witch”?
No, it's not true. The words in their widest use simply refer to a witch or a sorcerer. Here's why. |
Should Christians Scorn the Bible?
Can God be pleased when we dare to scorn the Bible that proved its power during 400 years of expansion of the Kingdom of God? |
Should we dump the King James Bible because of "archaic language?"
Video transcript - Should we dump the King James Bible because of "archaic words", or should we just learn them? |
Textual History of the Bible
Examines the two streams of Bible text, and how to choose the right one. |
The 100-Year War Over the Bible
The 100-year war over which text is really God's Word. From 'Understandable History of the Bible' by Samuel C. Gipp |
The Best Manuscripts Formed the King James Bible
The next time you open your Bible, consider what you hold. Do you know that you hold God’s words perfectly preserved and passed down? Words that were translated through the tireless diligence of the best scholars using the most well-preserved manuscripts? Modern-day publishers and scholars have run a smear campaign against the KJV Bible by claiming their translations to be superior. They state that the KJV is impossible to understand and modern translations are needed. |
The Difference Between Translator and Teacher
Do you want to know exactly what the instructions say, or will you trust the second translator's ability to understand the author's intent and not lead you astray? |
The Geneva Bible: What's Wrong With It?
Transcript from a video interview between Jack McElroy and David W. Daniels on the problems with the Geneva Bible. |
Translation Method for the King James Bible
The detailed system used to prevent anyone from imposing his own opinion upon the translation. From "Answers To Your Bible Version Questions" by David W. Daniels. |
Was King James a homosexual?
Here is the sworn enemy who made the accusation, and why. |
Was King James Gay?
Video transcript - An answer to the claims that King James was a homosexual. |
Was The Apocrypha In The First King James Bible?
The Answer Book, was written by Dr. Samuel Gipp in response to the dozens of questions used by critics of the King James Bible. |
Weren't the King James Translators A Bunch of Episcopalian Baby Sprinklers?
They were Bible believers from both Anglican and Puritan churches. From 'The Answer Book' by Samuel Gipp copyright 1989. Reproduced by permisson. |
What about contradictions in the Bible?
Just because you don't kow the answer doesn't mean there isn't one. We have to trust that God preserved His Word just the way He wanted it. From "The Answer Book" by Samuel C. Gipp. |
What About People Who Can't Understand the KJV?
If people can't understand the King James, isn't it better to have them read the NIV over nothing at all? |
What about the 21st Century KJV Bible?
Isn't the 21st Century King James Bible supposed to be an exact reprint of the original 1611 version but with archaic words replaced for the closest modern word? Can it be trusted? |
What Is A "Ruckmanite"?
From 'The Answer Book' by Samuel Gipp. |
What's Right with KJV-Onlyism?
If God wrote only one Book, what's the problem with trusting and submitting to that one Book? |
What's Wrong With the New King James?
Doesn't it just modernize the words of the King James Bible? Why should I read the King James and not the helpful New King James? |
When The Pastor Refers to 'The Greek,'
Which Greek is it?
Many people in our congregations are impressed with preachers who refer to the Greek or Hebrew in their sermons. |
Where Did the King James Bible Come From?
There are two kinds of manuscripts...Accurate and corrupted. |
Where was the Bible before 1611?
It was In the available Antiochian manuscripts. From "The Answer Book" by Samuel C. Gipp. |
Where was the Bible before 1611?
The series of English Bibles that led up to the translation of the King James Version. How we can recognize God's endorsement of the KJV. |
Which Bible Really Gets Read?
Researches found the KJV still used by the majority of those who actually read their Bibles. |
Which Words are Jesus' Words?
So which words are Jesus` words? Every single word of the Bible! The Bible is God`s words to us. |
Who Killed Goliath?
In spite of the overwhelming evidence in Scripture of the outcome of David's dramatic defeat of Goliath, The New International Version, 1984 US edition, couldn't get it right. |
Who Needs Thee and Thou?
Our thanks to Rev. D.A. Waite, who gives us this simple explanation in his book, Defending the King James Bible. |
Who Was the King James Translated For?
The purpose of translating the King James Bible was to give the Scriptures to the common man. From "The Answer Book" by Samuel Gipp. |
Who were the Translators of the King James Bible?
Here are the highly qualified translators of the King James Bible. |
Why Are Matthew's and Luke's Family Trees of Jesus Different?
The accounts of Jesus' lineage in Matthew and Luke are different. Here's why this is not a contradiction. |
Why Are Some KJV Words Italicized?
The italics usually are a simple way of telling us when the word in English is not in the Hebrew or the Greek. |
Why Do Many Bible Versions Omit Mark 16:9-20
Why is it that most bible versions (non-KJV) either omit Mark 16:9-20 or they have footnotes about alternative endings? |
Why Do We Need "Thee" and "Thou"?
In almost every language but Modern English, people knew whether the speaker was addressing one person or many. |
Why does Gen. 42:25 refer to corn, when corn is a new world crop?
The fact is that the word "corn" comes from a word, meaning "grain" and related to "kernel." |
Why doesn't the King James Bible always translate "Yahweh" as Jehovah?
The translators of the KJV used the term "Jehovah" only under strict circumstances, and for good reason. |
Why I Don't Trust the New King James
Author gives three examples of why he will stay with his tried-and-true King James Bible. |
Why is the Doxology of the Lord's Prayer Missing in Luke?
Here are the clear reasons for the difference. |
Why Is The King James Version Called the "Authorized Version"
Despite stories to the contrary, King James, in no uncertain terms, clearly authorized the translation of the Bible that now bears his name. |
Why People Have Stopped Memorizing Scripture
Scripture memorization is a lost art. |
Why should God's Word be restricted to English?
Video transcript - Why did God bless an English translation? What about other languages? |
Why Should the KJV Not Say "Passover" in Acts 12:4?
Passover is not the correct translation of pascha in this single New Testament passage. |
Why the King James Bible would be good enough for Luke (or Paul).
Here's how Luke tells us that any manuscript missing the bodily ascension of Jesus is a fraud. |
Without the KJV, Jack Chick’s tracts might have been quite different
If Jack would have given in to pressure and decided to use modern versions, some of his tracts might have been quite different than what we have today. |