Growing Desire for God in America


Are you ready to throw up your hands over the state of America? Do you feel like everything is on a downward slide that can’t be stopped? Well, you’re certainly not alone. The newest generation of adults is inclined to agree with you.

Gen Z adults grew up with a pandemic, wars, economic downturns, and overall instability in their short 18-21 years. Gone are the rosy tinted glasses. Instead, they realize that humanity is fundamentally broken. In fact, much of America is coming to realize this truth and look for an answer.

Due to the Covid pandemic, people are thinking about big questions like, Why are we here? and Is there a God? Why do bad things happen and what can we do about it? Fortunately, this line of questioning gives us an open door to share the gospel!

Recent data from the Barna Group reveals that over 77% of Americans say they believe in some form of higher power, with 44% showing increased openness to exploring spiritual beliefs.

Among Gen Z teens, another 77% percent of those exposed to Christianity see value in learning more about Jesus. Nearly half of American teenagers think of Jesus as a source of hope, trustworthiness, and care. Now, that’s some good news!

Here’s even more. Non-Christian parents and public-school administrators are beginning to see the need and benefit of religious education. Students can’t attend religious classes on public school grounds, so released-time programs are starting to pop up nationwide. These programs provide off-campus religious instruction during the school day.

LifeWise Academy, an Ohio-based Christian ministry, began offering a released-time Bible education program to two schools in 2019. This year, LifeWise expects enrollment to hit 30,000 students across 300 schools and 11 states! When asked about the success of providing public school students with Christian education, LifeWise founder and CEO, Joel Penton, stated, “Most schools and parents are very open to the idea. Schools know there is a great need in the lives of students.”

Influencers and notable businessmen are also starting to see where the world is headed. Some are looking for hope in the right places. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, recently expressed his belief in Christianity’s beneficial principles. He notes that they contribute significantly to human happiness both now and in the future. He said, “I’m a big believer in the principles of Christianity. I think they’re very good…. [Christian principles] result in the greatest happiness for humanity, considering not just the present, but all future humans.”

Even the corporate world is seeing the importance of spiritual guidance. Religion was once taboo in the workplace. Today, the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation reports more than 85% of Fortune 500 companies now include religion in their commitment to diversity. These companies are becoming “faith friendly.” Places where you might have been told to be quiet or lose your job, are now offering religious accommodations and spiritual care options.

It sure sounds like there’s a mission field out there! Every generation recognizes that the world has a problem. Their openness and desire for answers give us an opportunity to get the gospel out like never before. Many are turning to the internet, their neighbors, coworkers, and influencers to direct them to the answer. We can help with that.

Instead of throwing up our hands in despair, let’s fill our hands with tracts like This Was Your Life and The Long Trip. Let’s pass them out to everyone we see. We might just be the one to offer the hope of the gospel that people are looking for desperately.

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