California a Lab Case for Sexual Perversion

California has just passed a new law installing another layer of bricks in the wall between children and their parents. It deals with the situation when youngsters show up at school with the idea that they can somehow change their gender.

In a sane world the culture would refuse to go along with the fantasy. Eventually, the child would get his head on straight, as most do when they are allowed to grow up normally.

Privacy Rights For a 10-Year-Old?

But California legislators have concocted their own fantasy that a 10-year-old would be better off if given adult rights and privacy that parents have no business knowing about. University-trained teachers and counselors are often complicit in suggesting this fantasy to the child and stand by to cheer them on.

But when “Johnny” came home asking questions about some sexual stuff in a library book, alarmed parents began storming the school board meetings demanding to know what was going on. At first, they could not believe the stone wall that met them.

When they finally got the facts, they realized that they could not change the policy unless they changed the people. More parents joined them and managed to vote out the recalcitrant board members. This disturbed officials at the State Board of Education and teachers’ unions, who began installing regulations in an attempt to protect Johnny’s “right” to wear a dress if he wished.

Power of the Ballot

Through the power of the ballot, parents teamed up and created a backlash against this grooming of their children. Now they are facing the big guns of California lawmakers who are totally dedicated to putting the state in control of the next generation.

When the newly elected school boards begin laying down policies protecting the parents’ rights to guide their children into adulthood, state lawmakers countered with laws overriding those policies. This new law called “The Safety Act” (AB 1955), recently signed by Governor Newsom is complex, but it appears to tell teachers they can simply ignore any such local policies.

Feds get involved

On the federal level the House of Representatives has punted with a Parents Bill of Rights Act, HR 5, supposedly designed to counter this Socialist campaign to put the government in charge of our kids. The House has approved HR 5 and passed it on to the Senate where it has been ignored for over a year and a half.

However, it appears that this federal bill deals primarily with providing parents with information about policies that permit biological males to participate in female sports and invade female spaces. It only requires parental consent to change “gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name on school forms,” for grades 5 through 8.

A More Fundamental Attack

An even more sinister scheme is in the making. In 2008, voters in California approved Proposition 8 amending the state constitution to read that “only marriage between a man and a woman” was legal in the state. Bitter court fights followed until the US Supreme Court overruled all the local laws by making same-sex marriage legal nationwide.

But the California constitution still contained the wording that “only marriage between a man and a woman” was legal. This still bothered two California homosexual legislators. They are championing a bill, ACA 5, to permanently change the wording to simply read that “the right to marry is a fundamental right.”

Anything Goes

Critics have rightly pointed out that this leaves the door wide open. Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council explained, “The absence of any clear definition of marriage is alarming and paves the way for the legalization of polygamy, child marriage, and incestuous relationships.”

For example: two California cities have already passed legislation barring discrimination against polyamorous “families” with multiple people in a consensual romantic relationship. This ACA 5 change in the California constitution would legitimize such relationships. Under that wording, someone could probably marry their dog.

Homosexual Virus

This all hangs on the question of whether the parents are going to allow the state to destroy the innocence of our children, introducing a perverted view of sex instead of God’s divine plan for marriage. While many Christians were napping, the homosexual virus has infected most of the schools, libraries and some churches.

Fortunately, some parents are waking up, banding together with trusted leaders and legislators to fight back. Some of those who didn’t wake up in time now weep for their grown-up children who have already been drawn into some twisted sexual perversion.

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