Oceans of Evidence Point to a Marvelous Creator

By Sherrie Johnson

The next time you drink a glass of water, consider how finely engineered the liquid in your glass has been to support life. Water is no ordinary substance. It is a unique creation that we literally cannot live without.

Michael Denton, an agnostic biochemist from Britain, was surprised to find that water is so perfectly suited to life on earth. His research forced him to admit that “no other liquid could replace water in this role.”

We Are Dead if Ice Didn’t Float

Take a look at the ice floating in your glass. Do you know that you and I wouldn’t be here if ice didn’t float? If water was heavier when frozen, ice would sink to the bottom of our lakes and oceans, killing everything that swims. Instead, floating ice forms an insulating blanket, protecting life beneath it, even in the harshest winters.

Once you drink that water, your heart could not pump the blood if the water was only a bit thicker. The blood’s precise viscosity is just right to transport nutrients, remove waste, and facilitate countless biochemical reactions. Any change in this balance would be fatal.

Stabilizes Body Temperature

Thanks to water’s ability to evaporate and insulate, you can go outside without overheating in the sunshine or freezing in the cold. Water acts as a thermal buffer, stabilizing our internal temperature against extreme fluctuations. It absorbs excess heat, prevents overheating, and ensures that our body temperature remains within the optimal range. This property alone ensures that we can live and thrive in the desert or the Arctic.

Even Thinking Requires Water

Without adequate water, our bodies couldn’t absorb nutrients, digest food, or move with ease—even the act of thinking would slow down and eventually stop altogether. The very essence of our cognitive and physical functions hinges on water’s unique properties.

As Michael Denton found, it isn’t just one or two properties of water that sustain us. He discovered that “innumerable properties of water are supremely fit to serve diverse ends critical for life.”

Water’s Trinity

The next time you drink water, look outside. What’s the weather like? Did you know that the water in your glass used to be snow on top of a mountain? Water can exist as liquid, solid, and vapor and it takes all three forms before you drink it.

Water starts as liquid in oceans and rivers. As the sun heats the water it evaporates into purified vapor stored in clouds. Clouds then move over land where it rains or snows. Snow melts back into the oceans, rivers, and lakes and —and into your drinking glass. If God didn’t give water all three characteristics, life on Earth would not have been possible.

At the end of his research on the miraculous nature of water, Denton determined that, “life on Earth and indeed beings of our advanced terrestrial design must have been in the mind of the designer from the moment of creation… In other words, we were meant to be, and from the dawn of time.”

While Denton concluded that there is a designer, we can confidently walk in the Truth knowing Who the Designer is. After all, Genesis 1:1 leaves no doubt: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

That glass of water tastes even better now, doesn’t it? A simple glass of water is an extraordinary testimony of God’s exquisite craftmanship. By speaking all of creation into existence, He created an environment unlike any other in the universe uniquely able to sustain life.

Would you know what to say if someone questioned you about Earth’s origins? Equip yourself to answer some of the most commonly asked questions by reading Vance Ferrell’s The Evolution Handbook. And be ready on the go with copies of tracts, Big Daddy and And It Was Good!

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