Missions Fund Report September 2024

Through your giving, over 6 million Chick tracts have been shipped overseas for missions so far this year! And there is more to come. Thank you for making it possible to say “Yes” when missionaries ask for Chick tracts to help their outreaches and church planting.

Here is what happened since the last Battle Cry:


We are getting close to completion of the next container of tracts headed to this country. Before this month is over, we expect to ship 1.3 million Chick tracts for the many ministries waiting for them.


Missionaries Daniel and Christian Norton

After serving as missionaries in southwestern Slovenia, Daniel and Christian Norton have returned to take over the work they used to pastor in Aviano, Italy. Although this is primarily a military ministry, they are determined to do more evangelism among the local Italians. They have requested 30,000 Italian Chick tracts for this ministry.


San Luis Rio Colorado - With the large number of migrants moving north through Mexico toward the U.S., the soul-winning opportunities are bigger every week! Paul Buskager, of First Light Mission, is working to reach the masses here, one city at a time.

He writes about the next outreach: “We will be reaching the border city of San Luis Rio Colorado. I’ve spent last week there organizing with four pastors and one evangelist to do a city-wide outreach for tract distribution and preaching nightly. The pastors are very excited about mass distribution of Chick tracts. We are moving westward towards California. We’re trying to reach every major border city over the next 18-24 months Lord willing.”

With your help, we plan to print 150,000 Spanish Chick tracts for them.

Todd and Yola Eklund are still very active with evangelism in the Mexico City area. We just shipped them 9,000 more Chick tracts.

Operation Compassion - Missionary Gary Schwer just received 50,000 Chick tracts for this annual outreach giving the gospel and backpacks to school children in many small towns of Mexico.

South Africa

Missionary Mike Fluech, who received English and Chichewa tracts, shares his experience: “More often than not, people stop what they’re doing when they receive it and start flipping through it immediately.”

He reports that they have had people come to their church and mention that they learned about it through one of those tracts.

United Kingdom

The Korean evangelists of Cross Mission continue their dedication to evangelism here, spreading Chick tracts all over the greater London area. Thanks to your giving, 50,000 Chick tracts just went to resupply them. It’s sad that the country that gave us the King James Bible is now a desperate mission field. Many there have never heard the simple Gospel.


In years past, Missionary Richard Weimer and his team have passed out calendars during the pre-Christmas season (they call it “Advent”). But this year, he found that the message of the calendars had been “weakened,” so he wants to pass out Chick tracts instead. Your giving just provided him with 10,000 tracts in German and 10,000 in Czech (they are near the Czech border). There will be a straight Gospel message this year!

Paris Olympics

Missionaries Brent and Jennifer Hoffman passing out tracts at the Olympics

Missionaries Brent and Jennifer Hoffman of Belgium brought Chick tracts you provided across the border to Lillie, France, to the basketball and handball competitions. People gladly received them, including members of the men’s basketball staff.


Thai students reading tracts.

Pat and Windy Caspary continue to send us pictures of the Chick tracts you provided being used in the schools of the Mae Chaem region of Thailand. Above, we see students eagerly reading their Chick tract!


This woman on a local bus read the tract all the way through!
When tract distribution ends in prayer, it’s a good day.

The shipment of 200,000 Spanish Chick tracts for Honduras finally arrived. Missionary Scott Sumner wrote “Our ministry has been given the opportunity to conduct a bi-monthly Day of Prayer for the Armed Forces of Honduras to preach the Gospel to the heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Military Police and their officers and soldiers. The last Day of Prayer had some 900 in attendance and the Holy Joe tracts were handed out to them. This is definitely the Hand of the Lord in giving us this opportunity to preach the Gospel in an avowed socialist government.

“Only God knew that these tracts were what was needed for our people to get off the pews and go and fulfill the Great Commission.”


Another 6,000 tracts went to the ministry of Joetta Smith in Kenya. She has been teaching pastors of local small churches the need to evangelize. The Chick tracts have been just the catalyst to get them going.