Cathedral Fire Exposed Catholic Paganism

During the recent Notre Dame fire, a fire chaplain organized a human chain to brave the fire and rescue relics from the flames so the faithful could continue to worship them. This is pagan.

Can You Trust Your Bible Scholars?

There are two kinds of Bible scholars: the scholars of faith and the scholars of doubt. Which one will YOU trust?

Missions Fund Report: July 2019

Your donations are helping missionaries all over the world reach lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here's an update from missionaries in 7 different countries.

Testimonies Threaten LGBT Agenda

While LGBT groups try to make it illegal to help homosexuals find freedom in Christ, their message is undermined by testimonies of those who have found freedom, and salvation.

Fulfilling Christ's Command

Have we failed to keep Christ’s command if we fail to convert those in false religions? Or have we instead faithfully kept the Great Commission when we present the Gospel. It’s not about percent conversions . . . it’s about faithfully preaching the message.


Missionary Jonathan C. Sparks tells of the fantastic results he has seen using Chick tracts in the Philippines. Many are coming to Christ!

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