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Should Adultery be a Crime?
Old laws say it is in nearly half of the United States. As morals decay throughout the nation, some are taking action to remove these laws.
Pressure on Israel Rising over Jerusalem
Here is why world leaders are trying to get Israel to give up Jerusalem.
Christian Fired for Expressing Biblical View of Homosexuality
The right to object is now under attack. What ever happened to "free speech?"
Mary Tesmer Is An Excited Lady
What began as a ride-along quickly turned into a full-time ministry.
Would Muhammad Approve Blowing Up an Airliner?
Moderate Muslims claim "Islam is peaceful." Muslim radicals claims "Muhammad told us to kill you." Who is right?
Doubt in the Bible Behind Cultural Decay
The very doctrines being systematically removed from modern Bibles are the same ones progressives are abandoning.
Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Spreading to Europe
Catholic doctrine requires celibacy of its priests, but not chastity. There is a difference.
Message From Jack Chick March/April 2010
Everyone is scared and looking for help, especially teens. There IS something we can do.
Prison Letters March/April 2010
I began reading them and could not put them down.
Chick Mail Bag March/April 2010
If you are kind of shy, these are the solution.
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