Bishop's Committee Says Jews Already Saved - Don't Need Jesus

The secular media latched onto the statement as proof that the Jews can be saved by their original covenant with Jehovah.

NIV Gets Sex Change

The new version, called "Today's NIV" or TNIV for short, is supposedly a "gender-accurate" version of the NIV Bible.

Baptist Leader Sees Christians Losing Focus on Evangelism

Evangelical Christians may be losing their focus on evangelism, according to James Merritt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of a large Atlanta-area Church.

New Ministry Will Help You Get Tracts To Missionaries

Doctor heads new ministry to supply missionaries with Chick tracts.

Evolution's Grip On Schools May Be Loosening

Recently, school boards in six states have tried to change their science standards to downplay evolution.

Ex-Muslim Authors Detail Witnessing Strategies

The authors point out that the soul winner must first win a hearing: "To witness to the 1.2 billion Muslims on the earth, the Western Christian has many cultural hurdles and potholes to maneuver."

Chick Mail Bag Nov-2002

I found these tracts in the laundromat and got saved.

Prison Ministry Letters: Nov-2002

He got saved reading "The Prophet"

Missionary Uses Tracts and Tent Meetings in Ukranian Villages

Taking a page out of America's past, Missionary Ken West is having great success with "Evangelistic Tent Meetings" in the small, remote villages of the Ukraine.

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