666 and Today's One-World Government
The landscape of the 'one-world government' and 'one-world religion' is rapidly forming. As the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle come together, they clearly match the picture that the Bible describes. |
A Message From Jack Chick
Where is anyone who can solve the incredible wave of insanity coming? The people are consumed with entertainment, sports, politics and are blind to see God`s judgment on the horizon. |
Doubt the Bible? Check Out God's Promise to Israel
There is a direct correlation between the alarming number of massive disasters striking America and her leaders pressuring Israel to surrender her land for 'peace.' |
Europeans Call For A Return To Christian Roots
A coalition of religious leaders sent an open letter to European political leaders noting the growing disconnect between the common people and the elite who have been pushing the agenda of unchristian vices such as abortion and same sex marriage. |
Former Prime Minister Suggests One World Leader
A former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, recently voiced his support for the need of a single world-wide authority to orchestrate the defense against the coronavirus. |
Founders of "Mainline" Churches Knew Who Anti-Christ Was
The following quotes show just how far the churches of today have strayed from the wisdom of their founding fathers. |
France Takes Another Step Toward "The Mark"
President Emmanuel Macron announced a tightening of the 'health pass,' issued to those who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine. The technology is pretty much in place for The Beast of Revelation 13 to exercise full control. |
Globalist Leaders Reveal Their Plans
Sometimes a very short comment is a wide opening into a much larger story. |
Is One-World Currency the Solution to Global Warming?
By Sherrie Johnson “The sky is falling,” shouts Henny-Penny, running in circles around the barnyard in the famous children’s book. Children for generations have gotten a good laugh at her absurd reaction to a hit on the head by a falling acorn. |
It Won’t Be That Hard to Get People to Accept the Mark of the Beast
People say they would not take a mark that prohibits them from buying or selling without it. But people are prohibited in places from entering stores without a mask right now. |
Marching Toward the Beast
In America, we have been privileged to retain a good bit of our personal freedom. Christians in many other countries have not fared as well. |
Money—Primary Tool of Antichrist
In the march to the antichrist’s one-world government, there are lots of 'groups' forming. One is called the Group of 20. |
New Pope Speaks for Political Salvation
The new Jesuit pope continues his campaign for unity of world religions but now has spoken in favor of the forces driving toward one-world government. |
One-Worlders Ramping Up the Fear
Dictators have long recognized the importance of fear as a valuable tactic to control the populace. In this article, you'll find out what other tactics are currently being used to prepare for the anti-Christ. |
Part I: Who is The Woman Who Rides The Beast? (Rev 17:18)
Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist but he is only half the story... |
Part II: Who Is the Whore of Rev. 17?
Why would a city be called a whore and be accused of having committed fornication with kings? |
Part IV: Rome Equals Vatican
Some may object that it is Rome, and not that small part of it known as Vatican City, which is built on seven hills, and that the Vatican can hardly be called a "great city." |
Part VI:- Drunk with the Martyrs' Blood
She is drunk with "the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..." (Revelation 17:6) |
Part VII: More Blood Than the Pagans
Pagan Rome made sport of throwing to the lions, burning and otherwise killing thousands of Christians and not a few Jews. |
Persecution Against Christians Rising Worldwide
Is the last haven for religious liberty in jeopardy? |
Pope Is All in on Social Justice
The Pope's unbiblical agenda was on display in a visit to a Catholic University in Portugal where he challenged students to pursue something quite different than the Great Commission. |
Pope Wants UN to Become 'Moral Center'
Pope John Paul II has used several public speeches and personal meetings this year to push for more UN control of world problems. |
Revelation 13:17... It's Getting Closer
With the implementation of digital currency, and elimination of tangible money, the government will have an easier time controling the illegal movement of money by the 'bad guys'. But what happens if governments label Christians as bad guys, too? |
Scotland Law to Place All Children Under Government Care
Europe continues to give us an object lesson on where our own culture and government is going. Is home schooling a form of "neglect", enabling the government to seize the children? |
Signs of the Last Days
World events keep lining up with scriptural prophecy. We are to look up for the redemption that Jesus promised. But we also need to use what freedom we have left to make sure as many as possible are given the gospel. |
Struggle for Jerusalem Larger Than Jew vs. Arab
Two struggles are tearing at the hope of those who dream of world peace and the brotherhood of mankind. |
UN Pushes for One-World Government
The United Nations (UN) “Summit of the Future” in September 2024 marked a significant turning point in the UN’s push for global governance. Delegates from 193 nations met to finalize the “Pact for the Future,” a plan that expands the UN’s authority on issues like climate change, digital governance, and human rights. |
Vatican Calls For World Government
With a world-wide financial crisis hanging over our heads, the Vatican is calling for 'global public authority.' Here comes the world church! |
Who Is The Woman Who Rides The Beast in Revelation 17?
A Description of the woman who rides the beast according to Rev. 17 and 18. Could she really be the Roman Church? |
World Government —How Far are We?
Today, some believe that we are watching the final contest between good and evil that the Bible talks about. End-time prophecy indicates that Satan will be at the heart of that struggle to set up a global religion and a global political system. |
World Money System Moving Right along —To Where?
In order for the Antichrist to get complete control of our lives, he must limit the free use of money. Recent developments prove he is doing just that! |