A Message From David Daniels

Revival! What does it mean? Who does it begin with? Why doesn’t the church revive? We need to ask ourselves some important questions.

A Message from David Daniels - November 2021

Revival may not be what you think it is. Here’s what it is, and how to get it.

An Amazing Coincidence —Or Is It?

Why are people so sloppy about the very words of God? The Creator and Sustainer of the universe has lowered Himself to give us His rules and regulations, His principles and promises, His blessings and cursings. They are all there in one holy Book. The King James Bible.

Bible Ribbons

David W. Daniels shows you how to to make your own Bible study aid.

Chapter 1 - The Friendly Fanatic

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 2 - Soup's On

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 3 - The Ugly Truth

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 5 - Until Death Us Do Part

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 6 - The Good Samaritan

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 7 - SHHHHH!

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Chapter 8 - FAREWELL

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Don't Forget Tracts This Season

What store clerk can refuse a tract when presented with the statement: "Here is your Christmas card from me."

Give It to Them Anyway

When you go handing out Chick tracts, don't try to figure out whether they're saved or unsaved or backslidden. Give them the tract anyway.

Is the Library Safe for Your Children?

Most parents are quite pleased when a child wants to go to “the library.” But libraries are no longer sacred ground in today's war for the souls of our children.

Some Victories for Religious Freedom

The last two years have not been good for the constitutional right of religious freedom. But maybe the tide is turning.

The Marriage Mess

The Millers looked like the ideal family. But beneath that veneer were the same hurts and failings that afflict millions.

Tim and Mike Found a Way to ‘Go…Into All the World’

Tim Berends and Mike Cahill have leveraged some airline privileges into a worldwide tract ministry.

Today The World is Full of ‘Drifters’

The dictionary says that a drifter is someone who wanders or moves about aimlessly, without a specific purpose or direction. This accurately describes a lot of people who have left the church.

Tracts Also Grow Disciples

Chick tracts also provide on-going discipleship training. Here's how.

We Need Tracts—Plus Wisdom

A story from a father demonstrates that we must not be completely content to just hand someone the gospel. We must also be prepared to follow up with a more complete discussion of our Biblical worldview.

What ever became of sin?

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary says that words like "disease," "antisocial behavior," and "lack of moral development" have replaced the word "sin."