A Message from David Daniels - May 2024
Brothers and Sisters, God has given us a tool to break through all the devilish programming that is hurting our kids. Do you know what that tool is? |
A Message from David W. Daniels
Lately people are thanking God for the worldwide panic of the last few years! How could this be? |
Boy Scouts Moving Farther from Original Purpose
For the last 20 years the Boy Scouts of America have worked hard at destroying their original purpose of building boys into honorable young men. Now they have gone another step by removing even the word “boy” from their official title, all in the name of “diversity.” |
Christian Parenting Threatened By California Bill
The State wants your kids! New bill could allow the state to decide home schooling (or Christian schooling) is not the “appropriate education” to which every child has a right. |
Disney Does It Again
Witchcraft is becoming more common in children's tv shows. This year, Disney Television Animation released a new TV show, “The Owl House”, which features a powerful witch and a disguised understudy. The key word here is “powerful,” since that is what witchcraft offers to vulnerable youngsters. |
Don't Forget the Children
If Jesus had children coming to His door one night a year, what would He do? |
Drag Queens Out to "Groom" Your Kids
From their own words, their future depends on recruiting children. |
Evil Beginning to Get Some Washback
The tide of evil that we have watched rising in our culture is now being opposed by a tsunami of concerned people. An encouraging example is about a self-described queer woman married to a trans man. While working in a St. Louis Missouri transgender pediatric center she was horrified by what was happening to dozens of children being treated there. Against her friends’ advice she became a whistleblower that led to exposure of the permanent damage being done by puberty blockers and surgical mutilations. “What is happening to them is morally and medically appalling.” she said. |
Globalist Lab Cases Becoming Apparent
Governments move to get tighter control, and further limit religious freedom. |
Good News —Hope Is On The Way
In the flood of bad news, there is some indication that good people are beginning to wake up to what Satan is doing. |
Halloween: A Great Time To Teach Soul Winning
We need to introduce the next generation to the joys of soul winning —and Halloween provides the perfect opportunity. |
I Caught Netflix Trying to Groom My Kids
The popular kids show CoComelon, in their new Netflix series, shows a boy dancing for his gay dads in a tutu and tiara. |
Is the Library Safe for Your Children?
Most parents are quite pleased when a child wants to go to “the library.” But libraries are no longer sacred ground in today's war for the souls of our children. |
Kids Love Chick Tracts All Over the World
Missions report: Chick Tracts in a hundred languages are hard at work sharing the gospel all over the world. |
Our Children Are the Next LGBT Target
Their agenda comes at the cost of innocence. Is it really that hard to tell if you’re a boy or a girl? |
Parents Beginning to Win
Parents' trust was shattered, but somebody had poked the bear. |
Parents Must Step Up
Parents, we must get involved in the fight for our children’s future! The world wants our children indoctrinated with lies that directly contradict the Bible. It’s our job to make sure our children grow up with solid biblical standards. But it will be a fight, as these news items illustrate. |
Parents Waking Up —Fighting for their Kids
An increasing number of parents are waking up to the dangers of the government school systems and they’re speaking out against local school boards who allow pornographic books in the library and Marxist curriculum in the classroom. The innocence of our children is under attack! |
Some Good News in Our Schools
The Child Evangelism Fellowship has been successful in fighting off attacks by atheists and anti-Christian school officials while also offering Bible-believing curriculum on or near school grounds. |
The Crisis of Fatherlessness
The impact of fatherlessness on society, highlighting its correlation with poverty, crime, and education failures. It emphasizes the importance of two-parent households, faith, and education in addressing these challenges. Kendall Qualls and TakeCharge advocate for strengthening family structures and faith-based education as solutions. |
The Next Step in the Sexual Revolution
Those who raised a red flag early on in the sexual revolution predicted that pedophilia was in the plans. Now, the attack on our children is relentless. |
Tract Stands Reach Hundreds of Kids
A simple tract-passing idea. |
Warning: Disney 'Magic' Toxic to Children
A culture that once supported parents in bringing up youngsters as decent citizens has been converted into a major glamorizer of sin. |
With Schools Closed, Satan’s Attack is Closer to Home
Satan never sleeps, particularly in his campaign to destroy children. With schools closed and children confined to home, his attack is now focused there. Read some of the recent headlines that tell the story. |