Europe is in Convulsions

Here is how Western civilization has gotten itself into such a mess, and how to change it.

Are We Losing the Next Generation?

When we are drawn to the things of this world we lose our focus as to why we are really here.

Pope Visits U.K., Pitches Return to Mother Church

The Pope advances a British cardinal closer to sainthood in a blatant move to bring Britain into the Catholic fold.

Muslims Demanding That Holland Abandon Freedom of Speech

How the Netherlands gave up free speech to placate its Muslims. Who is next?

Europe May Be Ready for the True Gospel

Much of Europe considers Christianity irrelevant to their lives. Churches face a choice: evangelize or be outlawed.

How Did We Get Here?

Two sinister forces have been working for years to crush the true church. These new DVDs show who they are, and how they are doing it.

Immigration: Soul Winner's Opportunity

With the mission field coming to our doorsteps, now is the perfect opportunity to spread the gospel... in any language!

RV 1960 Polluted with Roman Catholic Flavor

Many popular Spanish Bibles, including the RVR, have word changes that teach salvation by "obedience" instead of purely by faith. That`s Catholic doctrine!

Message From Jack Chick - Nov-2010

Greed shows up pretty quickly in some situations. Here is a tract that speaks to it.

Chick Mail Bag November/December 2010

Comic books help grandfather get saved just before he died.

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