Tremendous support has come in for the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Project!
Missionary Chad Wells and his family are currently in the United States preparing a container with printing equipment for shipment to PNG. This equipment will replace that which was destroyed in a tragic fire. But until that equipment can be set up and brought to full operation, the churches and evangelists of the Southern Highlands need hard-hitting Gospel tracts for their outreaches.
When we put out the call, many of you stepped up, and support is flowing in to print tracts for Papua New Guinea. Hundreds of thousands of Chick tracts have already been printed and are being loaded into the shipping container headed for the PNG Southern Highlands.
PHOTO: One of many pallets containing over 100,000 Chick tracts for PNG.
We are well on our way to completing ONE MILLION Chick tracts to fill this shipping container. We expect to ship in late September so that it arrives in October when the Wells family returns to PNG. Chad Wells estimates that it will take about one year to get all that equipment installed and up to full operation. During that time, he will have one million Chick tracts to supply the evangelistic teams of the Southern Highlands. Soul winning must go on!
With your help, we just supplied 50,000 Chick tracts for Missionary Paul Gray, missionary to Ukraine out of Berean Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg, IN. Paul shares these tracts with those who are “evangelizing on the street, in hospitals, prisons and in other places God opens up.” He said, “one of our greatest requests is for Chick tracts.”
PHOTO: Just like kids all over the world, the Ukrainian kids in this picture are entirely engrossed in Chick tracts.
We are still seeing the most amazing demand in years from pastors and evangelists in the Philippines for Chick tracts. Several missionaries have been a tremendous help in identifying responsible Filipino pastors who will properly use the tracts. We don’t ship these big boxes of tracts to just anyone. A missionary personally recommends these ministries and monitors their follow-through!
PHOTO: Each large box in this picture contains 10,000 Chick tracts. So, you're looking at over 300,000 tracts for the Philippines!
Missionaries Bob Criss and Bruce Hunsaker have been a huge help in supplying these teams. Missionary Mike Carey has provided connections, arrangements and oversight for 128 shipments of tracts for street preaching and tract evangelism already this year, with another 27 shipments still being printed.
Missionary Joshua Yun, who has seen more than 2,000 people saved in just four months, took a group on a mission trip to one of the more remote islands. He writes, “Islanders were amazingly hospitable and open-hearted. It was hard to find people who would reject the Gospel. They would gladly give their time to listen to the Gospel, and were sorrowful over the reality that they were sinners who deserve to be sent to hell. When I let them know that Christ died for them while they were yet sinners, they were happy to hear that news and accepted the gift of God willingly.
“I’ve realized that there are still so many places left to go to witness Christ’s name. It seemed like the more remote the place from the city is, the more openhearted they were. I could feel like the Lord Jesus is preaching in my ear that I should preach the Gospel even unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8).
“The Chick tracts were the best companions of this mission trip. Tracts attracted not only young ones but also old ones as well. It seemed as if it was their first time to read a cartoon tract that illustrated the Gospel. Many were absorbed into reading them.”
PHOTO: These Filipino kids stopped in the street to read the tracts.
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PHOTO: What do they all have in common? Reading Chick tracts, of course!
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PHOTO: "Train up a child in the way he should go..." What's more precious than telling kids about Jesus?
Cross Mission is a beautiful example of how missions should work. More than a generation ago, Christian missionaries went to Korea with the Gospel. Now, the churches of Korea have matured into fantastic missionary churches, sending dedicated teams worldwide. Cross Mission is one of those missionary teams. These Korean evangelists have given themselves the goal of carrying a wooden cross through every city and town in the United Kingdom, passing out tracts and preaching in the streets. Carrying a cross produces questions, and that brings conversation about Jesus. It works! Thank you for equipping them with tracts that everyone reads!
The shipment of 100,000 tracts you provided for Missionary James Hoffmeister in Trinidad have finally arrived. As of the time of this writing, already 5,000 of these tracts were passed out on the street in just a few days!
Missionaries Nathanael Steinbart and Joetta Smith have been receiving periodic shipments for this African country. Smith writes: “It seems the Chick tracts are really spreading far and wide. Maybe due to the virus they are reading more!!”
Many Christians want to provide Chick tracts to missionaries. . . We can help!
We maintain an account called: The Chick Missions Fund
Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries' hands. If you would like to help extend the hands of a missionary with Chick tracts, please send your donation to:
Chick Missions Fund |
You can also give on our website.
100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries.
We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help.
Hundreds of thousands of tracts are now being printed for additional projects, with more requests coming in from missionaries every week!
Will you help?