We are starting churches in isolated villages here in the Northern Andes of Peru. Most of the people we meet have had little or no contact with the Gospel, and even those who have usually did not understand very well. After preaching in the town square one Sunday morning in a rather large village, we gave out Chick tracts, as is our custom.
One man was standing there with his donkey, with a big smile on his face. He told me that in the past, he had listened to preaching, but since he had never been to school, he didn't understand much. But the tracts, with pictures that he could see and words he could read at his own pace, made sense to him.
As we go back to the small villages (we can go to some of the
places only once every 2 months) we see people come with the tract
they received the time before, edges raveled and pages torn from the
wear. When they get a new "story" they are delighted. What to many
Americans is nothing, to them is a prized possession.
C.J., Cajamarea, Peru
I grew up in a Mormon family in which one of my brothers became a
Mormon missionary, just like his dad. Praise God, I left my religion
and my humanistic philosophy because a dear woman shared a tract
with me. I received Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior. I
enjoyed your tract, The
Attack. I like to pass that out to people along with another
tract too. Your ministry has helped me so much!
J.G., Alex, LA
Five years ago I got saved and it was a Chick publication that
helped open my eyes. Again God bless you and keep up the good work.
Ssgt M.S.