Four Little Words

We all have heard of the inquisition and how so many were burned at the stake. But what was the issue which was used to decide whether someone lived or died? Usually it was four little words: "In remembrance of me."

Yes, the issue centered around the Eucharist. The inquisitors demanded that everyone under the pope's control agree that the communion wafer, when blessed by a priest, became the actual "body, blood, soul and divinity" of Jesus Christ. The Protestants insisted that it was still bread and that eating it was only done in "remembrance" of Christ's sacrifice for our sins.

But the Protestants knew that the Roman Catholic interpretation of the communion supper meant bondage. If the wafer was really changed by the priest, then you must bow to the pope's whole system of priestcraft. Eating the wafer became essential to salvation. To get the wafer, you had to accept the rest of the system of idol worship, praying to saints and the virgin Mary goddess, ignoring the Word of God in favor of the traditions of the popes. If the wafer really is God, then the priest has control of God. He creates Him, he decides who will be "blessed."

In almost all false religions, Satan places some kind of priest, witchdoctor, shaman, imam, rabbi or sometimes even a minister between man and the god of that system. To get favor from their god, they must go through the priest figure. When the Protestant stood bound to the stake, the priest would approach holding up a "blessed" communion wafer. The torch man stood ready to ignite the wood piled around the victim's feet.

"Is this really Jesus?" asks the priest.

"No. It is only "in remembrance," is the reply. The wood is ignited and the "man of God" strolls to the next victim.

Fortunately, the pope no longer has power to execute those who refuse this teaching. But a billion precious souls are still under the control of this harlot church. Jesus said the truth would make them free. We must get the truth to as many as we can before it's too late.

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