Americans Suddenly More Interested in Religion

In the first poll on religion since the September 11 terror attacks, the Gallup organization found that there was a significant increase in religious interest in the U.S. The poll was conducted September 21-22 and found that 64 percent of the respondents stated that religion was "very important" in their lives.

The last time that this percentage was higher (70%) was in 1965. Forty-seven percent stated that they had attended church in the past week compared to 41 percent in polls taken earlier in the year.

There is no doubt that Americans heard the word "prayer" more often on the evening news in the last month than for many months prior to the attack. "God Bless America" is suddenly popular again.

Bible believers have been increasingly vexed with the explosion of sin in our culture. How sad that it has taken an explosion of tragedy to get our attention back to God.

But now soul winners need to seize the opportunity. Many who before were uninterested in our witness, now will be more approachable with a tract or personal testimony.

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