Tracts in Sunday Bulletin Focus Church on Witnessing

Many soul winners write to Chick Publications with tract distribution ideas. Each Battle Cry issue carries a column of these ideas. Occasionally one comes along which is so effective that it can energize the soul winning in an entire church. Here is one of that kind:

One pastor called and described a simple, elegant plan that changed his church members' thinking about passing out tracts. Every week a different Chick tract is inserted in his church's Sunday morning bulletin.

The pastor tells first-time visitors that the tract is a gift they can keep, meaning they not only get the gospel in church, but they also take it home with them where they can read it later.

Church members are given an assignment: Ask God to lead you to the person He wants you to give your tract to during the week.

The pastor says requiring only one tract per week is key because it is an easily attainable goal. He says this program has produced many exciting benefits, including:

  1. The tracts give church members a concrete plan of action. Pastors often encourage their people to witness, but with this idea people know exactly what they are supposed to do. And it's easy!
  2. This program has helped many members break the ice and overcome their shyness about approaching people with the gospel.
  3. Church members are continually excited to learn that unsaved people will readily accept the gospel in Chick tracts.
  4. Once they saw how easy this is, many church members began passing out more than one tract per week.
  5. Many members are growing spiritually and talking about how good it feels to be sharing their faith, as Christ commanded.
  6. Stocking the bulletin with a different title each week is important because members read the tracts before giving them away. Having them read a different soul winning message each week continually reminds them of the importance of witnessing.
  7. Best of all, people have been saved because of this tract passing program.

Pastor, if you want your people to experience the joy of sharing their faith with the lost, here's an idea that might help.

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