Soul winners are gearing up again this year to take advantage of the great witnessing opportunity, courtesy of Lucifer on his night to howl. When the neighborhoods are alive with would-be witches and goblins, Bible believers have learned they can use a gospel tract to drive a stake in the heart of any aspiring vampire.
No other event of the year brings hosts of little beggars to your door. And the following letter from a Chick customer illustrates just how creative one can be in taking advantage of the opportunity.
Cherilu writes in an e-mail the day after Halloween last year:
"We handed out 220 tracts on trick-or-treat night to children coming to our front porch. The ziploc snack-size baggies are perfect for your tracts and a couple of pieces of candy. The kids seemed to like getting the 'comic books.' We could have handed out some more, but we ran out of candy! Our neighbors get excited about Halloween and put a lot into their house decorations, which helped bring people to our undecorated house. We have been doing this for several years."My husband took our son (dressed as young David, with a little felt sack fastened to his cloth belt, filled with tracts, instead of stones) and a friend around trick-or-treating and they handed out possibly 100 more tracts to the adults at the houses they went to. My son said he often looked back and saw the people reading the tracts he had just given them.
"We bought 1000, so people at church could use them. Most of them were taken by Wednesday night. Many people told me they don't get many trick-or-treaters, so I suggested they take their grandkids out to hand the tracts out at the houses or go over to their adult children's homes and hand out the tracts along with their children's candy.
"I can't wait to hear tomorrow how things went for the others at church. One teen boy said he hands them out at school so he was looking for new titles. Many of my Christian friends find excuses to be away from home Halloween night and they need to do as God leads them, but I like handing out the Chick tracts to all the kids God sends to our door.
"Your tracts are the most readable and interesting to an unsaved person I've seen. I read them back in the 70's when I was an unsaved teen. Two years later, when I was ready to be saved, I knew how, because of remembering what was said in THIS WAS YOUR LIFE."