Chick Mail Bag January/February 2013

"Last night I took The Light of the World into jail for chapel. Five of the seven inmates prayed to receive Christ! I highly recommend this movie to prison ministries and any other kind of ministry!!"
T. B., NV

"I want to compliment you [on Satan Comes To Salem]. I am a descendant of Giles Corey of Salem. You are the first time I've seen the story told the right way, and I wanted to thank you. Also Chick Tracts got me saved."
C. V., E-mail.

"Back in 1980, I must have given a tract to a young lady and warned her of Roman Catholicism. Thirty two years later (2012), she found me on Facebook and told me to give her a call. I was delighted to hear from her and she told me that she was mad at me at first for confronting her about her religion. She said, however, that she was so thankful that she and her husband escaped Catholicism. I asked her if I had given her 'Chick tracts' and she said 'oh yes.'"
C.G., Facebook Post.

"I can't thank you enough for having the Reina Valera Gomez 2010 Large Print version on sale! It is what my church has been asking for, for years THANK YOU!"
N.S., Facebook Post.