One Heartbeat Away

  • $12.50

254 pages
You died. Now what? Is there anything out there after we take that last breath? (Read More)

English $12.50

You went to kindergarten and then elementary school. You learned to play sports. You went to junior high and high school. You were overly concerned about your grade point average. You got your driver's license. You went to college. You went to some concerts. You got a job. You got married. You had some kids. You cheered your favorite sports teams. You retired.

   You died. Now what?

Is there anything out there after we take that last breath? Life is a journey that will end...sometime. Is that all there is... this life and nothing more? Why are we even here? This book answers all these questions in a logical, interesting and straightforward manner.

Mark Cahill 3 Book Bundle

Mark is a compelling and highly sought-after speaker worldwide. Like few others, Mark has a unique way of motivating believers to share their faith in a conversational style that really gets people thinking. Order this bundle and save over 30%! (Learn More)

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Nobel Prize
  • Chapter 2: I Can See Clearly Now
  • Chapter 3: The Red Silver Dollar
  • Chapter 4: "The Flames! The Flames!"
  • Chapter 5: It's the Law!
  • Chapter 6: The Bad News
  • Chapter 7: The Good News
  • Chapter 8: The Next Step
  • Chapter 9: Decisions, Decisions
  • Chapter 10: Who Am I?
  • Chapter 11: Reflect the Light of the Son
  • Chapter 12: Tick Tick Tick
  • Resources
  • Endnotes

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Nobel Prize
  • Chapter 2: I Can See Clearly Now
  • Chapter 3: The Red Silver Dollar
  • Chapter 4: "The Flames! The Flames!"
  • Chapter 5: It's the Law!
  • Chapter 6: The Bad News
  • Chapter 7: The Good News
  • Chapter 8: The Next Step
  • Chapter 9: Decisions, Decisions
  • Chapter 10: Who Am I?
  • Chapter 11: Reflect the Light of the Son
  • Chapter 12: Tick Tick Tick
  • Resources
  • Endnotes


About Author

Mark Cahill

Mark Cahill is an author, speaker, and evangelist. He is the founder of Mark Cahill Ministries

From the author:

Since I gave my life to the Lord, I exist to glorify the God of this universe. That includes wanting to see 7 billion people come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” God wants all people to be saved, and so should we.

Statistics reveal that too few Christians are reaching out to the lost. One Christian ministry leader has said, “Only two percent of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others.” For a true Christian, that cannot be. One of the most exciting aspects of being a believer is telling other people about the Lord of your life.

I want to encourage you, challenge you, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus. What could be more important? Be bold for what you believe!

To contact Mark Cahill, please visit:


Author: Mark Cahill
ISBN: 9780964366572
Pages: 254 -
Price: $12.50