Brainwashing in 4/4 Time

Brainwashing is easy...Hitler's director of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, told the world how to do it: Hit the streets with your message long enough; repeat it over and over, and soon they will believe it.

Christian Music Buyers Turned Off to Gruesome CD Covers

Has Christian cd artwork gone too far?

If the Music is Neutral, Why Did They Dance?

The entire "Christian" rock music industry is built on one massively deceptive pillar: "All the music is neutral only the words matter."

Rock Music Makes Rich Wretches

Exposes some of the dangers of becoming a Christian rock star.

So Music is Neutral? Rock's Performers Say No

A German rock band whose "stark and violent" lyrics emphasize hate and incest is making a big splash on the American music scene, according to the August 21, 1998 Wall Street Journal.