A Glimpse of What is to Come

Do you ever wonder what happens the moment after you bid this world goodbye? What is it like? Will there be golden gates? Are you greeted by relatives who have gone before? Will there be angelic singing or instrumental music?

Though many believe that there is nothingness after death, science is starting to slowly confirm what the Bible has said all along. Scripture tells us that in the blink of an eye, Christians go from living on Earth to standing in the presence of the Lord. Though our physical bodies may die, our souls do not. And now, science is starting to agree.

Sam Parnia, an ER doctor, is the latest professional to state his belief that there is more to life after death than the world generally admits. Parnia stated in an interview that, “The evidence so far suggests that the entity we call the human mind… does not become annihilated after a person has died.”

What he refers to as the “mind,” he says, can be thought of as synonymous with the terms ‘consciousness,’ ‘psyche,’ and ‘soul.’ It is the essence of who we are. It is what makes us unique and separate from our physical bodies. It is this entity, Parnia states, that continues. “And it continues even when the brain does not seem to be functioning… it doesn’t die.”

Near-Death Experiences, or NDEs, are being increasingly studied with the goal of understanding what happens after death. An NDE is classified as an experience occurring after someone is pronounced clinically dead and before they are resuscitated. As stories come in, there are overwhelmingly two themes.

Some people have beautiful, positive experiences and describe visiting heaven. There, they were greeted by long-deceased relatives, viewed indescribable beauty, heard exquisite music, or felt a sense of overwhelming love and peace.

Others, however, describe an opposite reality. One man shared his experience in an interview with the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation. After suffering pancreatitis and sepsis, his body shut down. He was then pronounced clinically dead.

The medical team eventually revived him, and he came back with a story to tell. In his near-death experience, he told the research foundation that he believes he visited hell. In his vision he witnessed the presence of giant red dragons and a dark, eerie landscape.

In another study published in The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, respondents shared similar experiences. One woman stated, “When I reached the bottom… [I] heard cries, wails, moans, and the gnashing of teeth.” Another respondent stated, “I was filled with a sense of absolute terror and of being past the help of anyone, even God.”

While Near-Death Experiences only give us a glimpse into life beyond the grave, the Bible is clear about what awaits. For those who believe in Jesus and accept His work on the cross as payment for sin, there is an eternity in heaven in His presence. For those who don’t, the story is quite different.

Hell is a reality. For those who have not yet accepted Christ, it is the only reality they have to look forward to. This could be true of friends and family members in your life who desperately need to hear the gospel.

Rather than leave it to chance and hope someone else shares the good news, why not offer answers to their questions yourself? In When Life is Over you’ll read through straightforward and easily-shareable answers to questions like, Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? and Can I know I’ll go to heaven when I die?

Pick up your copy today and be ready to give your friends and family the answers they need.

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