100,000 Tracts for “Catholic Stronghold” State of Guanajuato, Mexico

Missionary Lacy Wheeler, a veteran of more than 14 years as missionary to Mexico, recently called the Chick Mission Fund with a request. They need 100,000 Chick tracts to equip their soul-winning outreach with tracts that people love to read.

lacy writes:

“We would like to ask your help with a huge need. We live in Guanajuato, a State of Mexico, that is home to more than six million souls. It is roughly the size and population of the country of Nicaragua. Contrary to popular belief, Mexico is far from being reached with the gospel. Surpassing Japan and trailing just behind Russia, the 128 million inhabitants of our southern neighbor position it as the 10th largest population in the world.

"For centuries, our state of Guanajuato has remained a stronghold for the Roman Catholic Church. Located in the very center of the country, this area is home to the most traditional and staunchly devout followers of Catholicism. Sometimes Christians call it the 'dark heart of Mexico.' We want to bring the good news to as many cities and villages as we can.

"This year our goal is to give out 100,000 Chick tracts in the capital city of Guanajuato, Irapuato, and Juventino Rosas. These cities, along with the thousands of unreached villages in our state, desperately need the good news of salvation. Can you help us fulfill this mission? Our neighbors need the gospel too!"

People in Mexico love Chick tracts, and readily read them. They go everywhere!

The population of Guanajuato State is over 6 million (2020 census) and over 94% of the population professes the Catholic religion.

Brother Wheeler shared this picture below of a little girl in Catholic mass. She is sitting at the back of the church, but instead of paying attention to the idolatrous ceremony that is supposed to turn Jesus in to a wafer, she is reading the true Gospel!

There are millions of children like her who need more than liturgy, they need to know Jesus! Would you consider helping them?

Listen to lacy Wheeler tell more about his ministry in Mexico and the unique challenges they face:

lacy tells about these topics in the video:

  • Ministering in Irapuato, in state of Guanajuato.
  • There is about 6,000 villages in this agricultural state, most having only a Catholic church, no Christian church.
  • It doesn’t work well when a “gringo” goes to these little villages to preach, so Wheeler trains Mexican Christians to go there to plant churches.
  • Main ministry is church planting.
  • Has planted two churches in Irapuato (opposite sides of town), plus churches in Tajaban, and Pueblo Nuevo.
  • He also runs Christian camps - 3 youth camps each year, a family camp, a drug rehab camp (6 month program), and a missionary training camp, plus 2 VBS every year.
  • Started Bible Institute in 2018. Out of 12 in first graduating class, 10 are today in ministry.
  • Brings 2 tractor-trailer loads of literature and Bibles every year to this area. Also planning a truck load for churches in Guatemala and Honduras.
  • Has big plans for 100,000 Chick tracts in cities of Guanajuato, Irapuato and Juventino Rosas.

Mission Fund Update


  • 100,000 tracts for the container leaving for Lee Cadenhead in Zimbabwe, Africa.
  • 10,000 tracts for Missionary James Lee in London.
  • 10,000 tracts for Missionary Joshua Yun in Korea.
  • 50,000 tracts for Missionary Richard Weimer in Germany.
  • 10,000 tracts for Missionary Josh McBryar in Korea.


The Chick Mission Fund still needs help to fulfill all the missionary requests coming in. They include:

  • To print 680,000 tracts to complete the 3rd Philippine container which will contain 1,300,000 tracts for 113 ministries.
  • The next 10,000-tract shipment to Missionary Joshuah Fussner in Bahamas for their every-home project.
  • 100,000 Spanish tracts requested by Missionary Lacy Wheeler in Mexico, for the cities of Guanajuato, Irapuato and Juventino Rosas, plus many unreached villages near them.
  • 20,000 Japanese tracts for Missionary Eli G. in Japan.

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You Can Help Reach Lost Souls Worldwide by Giving to the Chick Mission Fund!

Missionaries contact us every week asking for Chick tracts to be the “attention-getter” for their evangelism. We never know where the requests will come from, and are so grateful to those who give so that we can keep saying “yes” to missionaries' requests.

Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries' hands. If you would like to help extend the reach of a missionary with Chick tracts, you can donate today with a credit or debit card on our website:

Or, if you would rather mail a check, please send your donation to:

Chick Missions Fund
Chick Publications
PO Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761

100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries.

We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help.