Brian Green of Seed For The Cities has raised funds to mail 500,000 Chick tracts to every house in Nova Scotia, Canada. He will work with Pastor Brandon Lake (also a missionary) who writes:
“It became a tremendous burden of my heart to ensure that the gospel is presented to every home in our province of Nova Scotia. Spiritually, Nova Scotia is a dark land. The churches are closing and a generation of youth is being raised who knows not God.”
Lake has a burden to “establish sound Bible believing churches” throughout the province. They have asked the Chick Mission Fund to provide the 500,000 tracts and then Pastor Lake and Seed For The Cities will work together to pay the postage and get them mailed to homes.
Pastor Brandon Lake & Family
Learn more about Seed For The Cities and see how they are using Chick tracts to effectively share the gospel worldwide.
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New missionaries Nathan and Hannah Schrock are soon headed to French-speaking Ivory Coast of West Africa. The container that holds their goods will also be stocked with 25,000 French Chick tracts. Schrock explains:
“We plan to focus on the villages, teaching the Ivorian people the truth of God’s Word with the goal of seeing indigenous local churches planted where people are saved and discipled.”
Thank you for giving to provide them with the best church planting tools we could send: Chick tracts.
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After serving as a missionary in Ethiopia for twelve years, Joshuah Fussner saw a new opportunity in Bahamas. His pastor describes this veteran missionary as a “go-getter”, who is currently getting to minister to hundreds of youth and has a lot of liberty with tracts and preaching the gospel. Fussner is organizing an outreach to knock on every door in Freeport, the second largest city in this country. He will eventually need 50,000 tracts, but has limited storage, so the Mission Fund has sent him the first 10,000 so he can begin.
Although they had to be shipped by a circuitous method, the 10,000 tracts for Missionary Carlos Donate have finally arrived! Getting tracts into this country has been difficult, but the Lord gave us a way. Donate is committed to tract ministry and will use the tracts well.
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Missionary Joetta Smith is a brave lady who answered God’s call and moved to Kenya, where she has been teaching the Bible to local pastors and training them to get into the streets with the gospel. She writes:
“...there are even some pastors who are preaching from them [Chick tracts]! We have also spread over into Uganda. Slowly but surely the tracts have penetrated far and wide. People are getting tired of the prosperity gospel and are hungering for the truth. We are so excited over the number of men coming to our church now! They are very serious about their faith. We teach, not just preach. They always come for tracts!”
PHOTO: Sister Smith is training these Kenyan pastors to preach and evangelize on the streets.
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We all saw the horrible images during COVID of the death and suffering in India. Evangelism nearly stopped, as the lockdown shut everyone in. But now, things are opening up, and missionaries like Kathy Smith are taking advantage of it.
Your giving provided the printing of 110,000 Chick tracts in the languages of Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Oriya and Hindi for the churches that work with Smith. Persecution here is intense, and evangelism is dangerous, but they will not be stopped. They know that the time is short.
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Missionary Josh McBryar is taking 11,000 Burmese and Thai tracts to Thailand to witness along the Burma border. The terrible violence in Burma has produced thousands of refugees who have lost everything, and desperately need Jesus. Thank you for providing these tracts.
PHOTO: Tracts being read near the Myanmar (Burma) border.
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Joshua Yun continues to shuttle back and forth between the churches he has planted in Korea and the Philippines. You provide monthly shipments of tracts to support new church plants. He explains:
“My mission is to plant churches in Korea, and at the same time to evangelize other Asian nationals who are in Korea, and train and send them to their own countries as missionaries, and go with them to plant churches in the countries. This is the reason why the new church and I are located in Young-San where most of the foreign people live and the majority of foreign embassies are in Korea.”
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James and Cindy Herringson, missionaries sent by Metropolitan Baptist Church in Australia, have received a shipment of French Chick tracts for this largely Hindu nation off the southern coast of Africa. The culture makes evangelism difficult here, but Jesus said “Go!”
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At the time of this writing, the second Philippine container, with 1.3 million Chick tracts, just arrived in Manila. A non-profit there is arranging the shipment to over 100 ministries via the inter-island shipping network. The impact with the gospel will be huge in this nation where 40% of the population is under age 18.
But that’s not all that’s happening. Missionary Bruce Hunsaker has a group of pastors that he has taught to take teams from their churches to the streets, in ongoing outreach. Each group goes through about 10,000 tracts a month. Imagine the impact! We are now preparing another shipment of an additional 320,000 tracts to feed these dedicated teams.
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Missionary Tim Urling wrote about the 80,000 Chick tracts you provided for big outreaches in Mexico. He writes:
“We held different gospel tract campaigns and open-air meetings which have resulted in hundreds of people hearing the gospel and well over 100 professions of faith. The churches we’ve helped to establish continue to win souls, preach the gospel, see people saved, baptized, and added to the church. They support various missionaries as well.”
Thank you for helping him!
Many Christians want to provide Chick tracts to missionaries. . . We can help!
We maintain an account called: The Chick Missions Fund
Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries' hands. If you would like to help extend the hands of a missionary with Chick tracts, please send your donation to:
Chick Missions Fund |
100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries.
We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help.