Thanks to your help, for years we have been sending Chick tracts to support the street preaching and outreaches of Missionary Gerald Sutek in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. He sent us the picture below, along with this report:
“We buy gas at same Shell every time. These guys have received many tracts, so this day I did not give them tracts. I leaned out the passenger window and asked them, if they died today where would they go… heaven or hell?
They all quickly said “‘Heaven!’ I said, ‘That’s great but how do you know?’ They all pointed to the stack of Chick tracts on the dashboard. —Tracts work!”
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1,300,000 Tracts Heading for the Philippines!
As this issue went to press, we were shipping another container, with 1,300,000 Chick tracts, to more than 100 different ministries on the islands (including Sutek). The requests for tracts in the Philippines are overwhelming. God has opened a special window and softened hearts here so we are trying to take full advantage of it! We still need some funding for this, plus we have requests for 300,000 more! Can you help?
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Mexico & Guatemala
Now that the Philippine project is nearing completion, the next big project is for Mexico. Missionary Joe Hendrigsman, sent out of Grace Baptist Church in Lees Summit, MO, has asked for one million Chick tracts for the growing ministries around Oaxaca, the most ethnically diverse state in Mexico. They will be used not only in Southern Mexico, but also will cross into Guatemala to help build the churches there.
Joe told us more in a recent email:
"Chick tracts are a wonderful tool for kids and adults to learn about Christ. We insert tracts into each outreach packet (we average about 300-400 weekly) that we give out and also have various medical brigades throughout the year and give out thousands of tracts at each of these events.
"This past Friday, we sent our first shipment of material to Guatemala to fellow missionaries who had no way of getting tracts and Bibles. We would like to be able to continue supplying pastors and missionaries in the neighboring country of Guatemala."
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Hendrigsman also plans to use many of the tracts to help 5 new church plants going on in the State of Oaxaca, plus during medical clinic outreaches that bring people from all around. In addition, he has short-term mission teams coming throughout the year who will be put to work passing these tracts to the people.
There are big plans to put these tracts to work right away! A transport ministry, Seeds of Grace, has offered to take the entire 20,000 pounds of tracts across the border, clear customs, and deliver them to Oaxaca, all for free. There will be no transportation cost for the Mission Fund on this project. Every dollar given will go for tracts.
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Another ministry the Chick mission fund has been able to support in Mexico is that of Tim and Kelly Urling. We provided 80,000 Spanish Chick tracts for their many outreaches in Mexico. Tim wrote the following in his most recent newsletter:
"We’ve participated in different gospel tract campaigns and open-air meetings which have resulted in over 80,000 gospel tracts being distributed, hundreds of people hearing the gospel and well over 100 professions of faith. The churches we’ve helped to establish continue to win souls, preach the gospel, see people saved, baptized, and added to the church. They support various missionaries as well.
Missionary Noel Shrivnauth normally works with English-speakers in Guyana but is now helping the many refugees coming across the border from Venezuela. Government mismanagement in Venezuela has resulted in widespread shortages of food and other necessities. People are fleeing to neighboring countries. Shrivnauth tells us here what is happening with the Spanish Chick tracts:
“We go to the Spanish boats and do soulwinning there on Saturdays. These are Spanish Venezuelans who sell their boatloads of fishes to Guyana fisheries. Since we received the tracts a few months ago there have been about 10-15 men who received Christ as their Saviour. They normally take a break from fishing to visit their families in Venezuela from Christmas until about the middle of February. We will start again to go soulwinning among them when they resume their fishing business in February.”
Tracts are an important tool for Missionary Mike Fleuch in South Africa. Here, he shares how the tracts plant the seeds and God takes it from there:
“The sidewalk ministry I mentioned last month has gained momentum. A few weeks back, Armand (our song leader) came out to help. While I got the grill going, he ran across the street to chat with three people walking by. One gentleman said, ‘I was given a tract here three weeks ago, took it home, and have read it several times. I would like to know more.’ Armand proceeded to preach the gospel to him.
"A few minutes later, all three of those people went to their knees along with Armand to pray. Daniel, the man who had been reading and rereading that Chick tract, received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. I planted, Armand watered, and God gave the increase.
"A lady driving by in her car saw them kneeling and praying. She pulled her car over, quickly jumped out and ran over to me and said, ‘Are you praying for people? I need prayer.’ I’m always happy to pray with people, but not without a conversation about their soul. After that witnessing opportunity, people started streaming by the table like no other week we’ve done this. Long story short, five people prayed that day for the Lord Jesus to save their souls.”
Along with several US churches, the Chick Mission Fund supports the outreach of Lordson Roch in Goa, India. Shipping into India has become quite difficult, because the Hindu government makes it nearly impossible to clear tracts through customs, so we print within the country to avoid that problem.
The Chick Mission Fund just provided 60,000 Chick tracts, all locally printed, for this ministry.
Pastor Roch reports:
“Today, the tracts arrived, and all are in great condition. Around 30 of our church members regularly join together to pass out gospel tracts. This is a great encouragement to me.
“Even though we face oppositions very often, we have seen great numbers of people who are so hungry for the truth, and many will stop to talk to us while we pass out Chick tracts.
“Thank you so very much for helping us with 60,000 Chick tracts. This is an incredible blessing to me and our church in India.
“We have rented a small storehouse to store the tracts. I have attached a few pictures for you and for the generous people who support this great cause for the furtherance of the gospel.
“In the last few months, so many people have come to attend our church service after receiving the Chick tracts. We are greatly encouraged with what the Lord is doing among us and in our church here.”
Cross Mission, working in the population center of greater London, asks us to supply several of their evangelists. One is Kristina Kim, who works the streets with her husband, passing out Chick tracts and sharing Jesus. Below she describes one of her days of ministry, using the tracts you provided:
“Yesterday I did evangelism in Fulham in London. Delivered many tracts into the properties and shared the gospel face to face. Very good responses from them. They are from China, Switzerland, Italy, and so on.
“A young boy who seemed around 12 years said he was Jewish. I asked him if he can tell me how you Jewish people can go to the heaven. He said he didn’t know how. So I told him who Jesus is and what He did for us. He listened well and got a tract. A Chinese lady rejected the gospel first time and said she is an atheist. But later she changed her attitude and said ‘it is interesting.’ And asked me to give her a tract.
“A young man from Switzerland opened wide to the gospel and showed much interest!!”
Here is a report from another of their evangelists, Paul Song. He writes:
“By the grace of God, we distribute the tracts in front of the Sutton station every morning from 7.30-8.00am (Monday to Friday).
“Also we distributed the tracts in North Ireland and Scotland last month. Because some people reported to police about our distribution, police asked us to come to the police station in North Ireland. But God had been so good to us that police understood the tracts are not harmful for the people.
“We received many phone calls through the tracts, we prayed for many teenagers in all of the United Kingdom. We thank God for teenagers responding to us because of the tracts. Please keep on praying for the Revival in the United Kingdom. I believe that many souls shall be saved through the tracts.
“Your leaflets are so powerful that some Muslims gave their life to Jesus through the leaflets.”
This is the country that gave us the King James Bible, but now the spiritual darkness is heart-breaking. Cross Mission is a Korean missionary group, sent out to the “pagan” lands of England. This is the wonderful fruit of a generation of missions. Now the churches planted on the mission field are becoming sending churches themselves!
Missionary Joetta Smith has been teaching a group of local pastors the importance of evangelism. She writes:
“It is amazing, but it seems the tracts are in bigger demand than ever before! It is exciting! I have a team of five pastors who are going out weekly to do street preaching and they will go back to begin to disciple those who responded. It is wonderful to see people now actually being drawn back to God!”
These precious pastors are spreading the tracts you send them through Sister Smith.
We have a request from a missionary (name withheld for safety) who will enter the Burma border region with 10,000 Burmese Chick tracts. We do a number of projects with this American missionary throughout Asia but can’t tell you a lot about them. This is a dangerous area for Christian work but let’s remember that God promises us that His Word “…shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
These Thai children, on one of his trips, were thrilled to read the gospel in their language.
Many Christians want to provide Chick tracts to missionaries. . . We can help!
We maintain an account called: The Chick Missions Fund
Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries' hands. If you would like to help extend the hands of a missionary with Chick tracts, please send your donation to:
Chick Missions Fund |
100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries.
We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help.