Soul winners are increasingly challenged by the “culture.” Frequent articles detail an “uptick” in “deaths of despair —from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide....”
The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that America ranks third from the bottom among the world’s most depressed countries.
“Those changes have come along with trends such as a decline in marriage, more temporary relationships and children out of wedlock, and a rise in social isolation that have made life less stable,” states the Wall Street Journal. Of course, none of this is news to anyone even half awake to the plight of their neighbors. But what is the cause —and the solution?
It all adds up to one thing: SIN! A long time ago, wise man Solomon observed: “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34)
And the solution? The gospel.
America’s founding fathers established freedom for the “pursuit of happiness.” They trusted that God’s people would pursue it through obedience to the Great Commission, and that enough would respond to preserve the culture. Unfortunately, we failed to be salt and light —and the culture is rotting from the core.
So soulwinners, what do we do? Keep sitting on our blessed assurances and watching hell winning on CNN?
In the past, enough of God’s people took their concern to prayer —and the gospel to the streets. Times of refreshing like the Welsh Revival and Great Awakenings resulted. How did those start? Mostly by wide-spread seeding of gospel literature.
Many are becoming numb due to the fantasies of the digital world. But a little paper booklet with eye-catching cartoons and an engaging story is hard to ignore. And when the end of the tract saddles the reader with a decision of eternal consequences, the soul winner has delivered his soul from the guilt of disobedience to his God.
Every day hundreds of Bible believers are sowing seed of the gospel with Chick tracts. And the testimonies keep pouring in. Browse the dozens of available tracts to see which one delivers the message you care about in your personal ministry.