Tract Passing Tips - November 2005

I give out many chilled water bottles with computer made scripture labels, with a Chick tract rubberbanded to them in either English or Spanish. A cool drink on a hot Florida day is a welcomed gift to outdoor workers. The tracts describe the "ultimate Gift" (Jesus Christ)!
A.S. - Tampa, FL

I think every family should get the All Tract Assortment. My children love reading tracts over and over. One time we had a relative over who was curious as to what the kids were reading. He read a couple of tracts then walked off by himself for a while. He now says he loves Jesus!
S.P. - Poughkeepsie, AR

This year we gave out 40,000 Chick tracts at Carnival (Mardi Gras in Brazil). I heard of a lot of results. One of the more amazing results happened on the stage of the 18 wheelers that inch through the streets during Carnival. A man guarding one of the most famous singers in Brazil identified himself as a Christian to us. He asked for tracts to be thrown up to him on the stage. We threw him a packet of Portuguese "The Choice" and he distributed them to all the musicians and spoke to them about Jesus. Two of them accepted Jesus at that time. One of them kneeling on the stage. The other was the singer's secretary.
D.C. - Brazil

Thank you so much for your ministry. I am a pharmacist and took a medical team to villages outside Kiev (Ukraine). Our team left a trail of the Gospel from Greensboro, NC to Washington, D.C., to Vienna, Austria, and then Kiev and back. We passed out tracts in Kiev in addition to doing medical clinics. Thank you so much for all that you are doing.
T.G. - email

If you have found a way or many ways to give a tract to someone, that is comfortable to you, share it with us. We would like to pass on your ideas to other soulwinners. Send your ideas to us at:

       Wanted: Your Tract Passing Tips
       c/o Chick Publications
       P. O. Box 3500
       Ontario, CA. 91761-1019

We will publish as many as we can in future issues of Battle Cry.