One Conversation Leads to Gospel Partnership

When you hear “missions” what comes to your mind? Traveling to distant lands? Leaving family and friends for years on end? What if we told you that you don’t have to go very far at all to make a significant impact?

One powerful way to get involved in missions—locally and globally—is by supporting missionaries you know with gospel tracts.

A Small Tool with Big Impact

Gospel tracts are portable, inexpensive, and incredibly effective for sharing the gospel. These “paper preachers” plant seeds of faith and spark meaningful conversations everywhere they go. You don’t need a megaphone or a pulpit to spread the message of Jesus. Handing out tracts is a straightforward, powerful way to participate in the great commission and proclaim the gospel “among all nations” (Mark 13:10). Many people from “all nations” have become our neighbors so we don’t have to go to them, they have come to us.

A Real-Life Partnership in Gospel Work

Tim Berends will be the first to tell you how powerful gospel partnership can be. He regularly passes out hundreds of tracts in Las Vegas. One day, while handing out Chick tracts outside a Denny’s on the Vegas Strip, he met Robert. Robert told Tim that he felt led of the Lord to do something to support gospel work. He asked Tim what he did.

After learning that Tim distributed 300 tracts a day in Vegas, Robert asked, “Would you like 10,000 tracts a month?”

Tim’s response was an enthusiastic “YES!” From that moment on, Robert became a key partner in Tim’s ministry, providing him with 10,000 tracts every month. What started as a brief conversation outside Denny’s turned into a powerful, ongoing partnership. Through God’s provision, that connection expanded Tim’s ability to share the gospel and multiplied the impact of his ministry by 10,000 tracts every month!

Supporting with Tracts Makes You a Missionary

Robert didn’t need to hand out tracts himself to be part of the great commission. By supporting Tim’s work with tracts, he plays a crucial role in reaching people with the gospel. Whether you’re handing out tracts yourself or sending them to someone who distributes them, you are taking an active role in gospel sharing.

Being a missionary doesn’t always mean going somewhere. It could look like making the gospel available to others, whether that’s on the streets of your city or through missionaries in need of resources.

Everyone Has a Role in the Great Commission

We’re all called to be part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20). Some go, others send, and some support with prayer, finances, or tracts. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”

When you hand someone a tract, you’re planting the seed of the gospel. When you support others who are doing this work, you’re helping them plant the seeds and water. And God will bring the increase.

Get Involved, Make an Impact

Tracts are a simple, yet powerful way to reach people with the message of salvation. They can start conversations, spark curiosity, and, most importantly, point people to Christ. When you support missions through the distribution of tracts, you’re contributing to the eternal work of the kingdom. Every tract handed out is a step toward fulfilling the Great Commission.

You don’t have to travel the world to be a missionary. You can support the work right where you are, simply by handing out tracts or helping others do so. God uses every act of obedience, big or small, to spread His message to the world. Join the mission today and support a missionary by providing tracts for their ministry!

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