Prison Ministry Letters: March 2002

We were painting faces of children, sharing the gospel and passing out Chick tracts. While painting the face of one young boy, we gave a Chick tract to his grandmother to read while she waited. The grandmother commented that her husband had been transferred to a prison where Chick tracts had been distributed. He read one of the tracts and was saved. Praise the Lord!
G.R., North Carolina

I read some of your tracts and books, which led me to Christ. I think they are very helpful in showing people which way is the right way. There seems to be a lack of Christian literature here and there are a lot of inmates that are scared to just talk out about the Lord and their future. I know your material will help them.
M.B., Colorado

I found your Chick tract through one of the inmates here in prison. I was saved the second day I was here. My cell mate was saved just two weeks ago. I came to find out that five others have been saved from this cell on this top bunk I`m in now. In less than a month all had been saved reading this same tract.
F.M., Delaware

Your comic set really changed me from a "Ruff" gangbanger from Chicago to the man of Christ I am now. I`m not a perfect Christian, but I try. I talk to a lot of young guys getting locked up. I see myself in a lot of these "tough guys" and I believe the comics will open their minds.
E.B., Texas

I was saved by our Lord Jesus because someone sat down and shared the tract One Way! with me. It had no words but it said so much! Thank you for your ministries. They blessed me and helped start my walk and hunger for our Lord Jesus.
A.S., California

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