Let’s Not Waste This Opportunity

With recent wins for free speech and parental rights, there’s a renewed sense of hope nationwide. These victories, though significant, are not the end of the battle—they mark the beginning of a crucial new chapter. Now is the time for Christians to rise up and make a lasting impact to reshape our nation and protect these precious freedoms.

A Window of Mercy

Former Congressman Jody Hice sees this moment as God’s “window of mercy” for America. Hice emphasizes that this is not a time to rest but to respond with gratitude, repentance, and humility. “We cannot squander this moment,” Hice urged. “We cannot throw away this time of grace that God has given us.” While many Americans are celebrating the protection of free speech and the rejection of radical ideologies, the battle for our country’s soul is far from over.

The Work Has Just Begun

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also pointed out that the temptation for many might be to sit back and relax in light of recent wins. However, he urges this is not the time to rest. Summing it up simply, Perkins stated, “Our work has just begun.”

Pastor Jack Hibbs echoed this sentiment, reminding believers: “Part of being a disciple is getting involved in this remarkable republic that the Lord has given us.” This is not a time for apathy. We must engage as active citizens, just as early Christians worked to influence their culture for Christ. It’s essential to stand firm on biblical truths that have shaped our nation and boldly advocate for them in every sphere of life.

Biblical Clarity in the Midst of Cultural Chaos

America is in the midst of a moral crisis. The breakdown of the family unit, the rise of gender confusion, and the rampant acceptance of abortion and transgenderism have led to widespread societal confusion. Yet, this moral chaos presents an opportunity for Christians to shine as a beacon of biblical truth.

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann pointed out that spiritual renewal is critical for navigating the challenges ahead. “We’ve got to get to work…” Bachmann urged. “[We need] prayer and action.” It’s not enough to wish someone would do something about the state of the nation. We all need to pray and take action where we can to bring about transformation in our families, communities, and nation. This is our time to fight for a culture that values life, family, and faith.

Our Ultimate Purpose

Tony Perkins urges believers to remember that our ultimate purpose as Christians is to honor God and spread His message in all areas of life. “The battle is never done this side of heaven,” Perkins said. “We have to perpetually stand for the truth.” This is a call for Christians to engage in the public sphere, advocating for the preservation of free speech, individual liberties, and biblical values.

As soulwinners, we must recognize that our work is just beginning. This moment is a rare opportunity. But there will only be a lasting impact in the political realm if the hearts of men are changed to bring integrity and righteousness into the government. It is time for Christians to boldly share the Gospel, strengthen families, and to build a culture that values Biblical principles and righteous lifestyle.

Let The Church Arise

Now is the time to rise up, to stand strong against evil, and to seek God’s revival for our land. We are ambassadors for Christ, called to bring light into the darkness. With prayer, faith, and steadfast action, we can make a difference in our nation. It all must begin with changed hearts and gospel tracts have played a major role down through history if they are widely shared.

No-nonsense tracts, like This Was Your Life, The Choice, and Greatest Story Ever Told, have a decades-long record of leaving changed hearts in their wake. All they need is bold soul winners putting them in the hands of those who have been captured by sin.

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