My 20 year old grandson asked if I had any Chick Tracts that he could give to a friend that was trying to get off drugs. He said "That assortment of Chick tracts that you gave to me with my graduation gift, helped change my life, so I thought they might help my friend." —C J, San Sabo TX
Soul winners are very creative in finding uses for gospel tracts. One popular way is using the All Tract Assortments as gifts for the holidays, graduation and birthdays. Here are more testimonies of the results:
Our 6 year-old son, Isaac, had read The Nervous Witch tract 4 times. Someone then gave him 12 tracts and he read them twice each in two weeks. I decided to give him an assortment tract gift. He is reading all 100 tracts! He loves Chick tracts, and we love what he is learning from them. — K & P W, Santa Rosa Beach FL
The last time I ordered tracts I had you send my brother an assortment in prison. He wrote and says he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and is in a Bible study in Prison every night. —P J
Many soul winners write to Chick Publications about the spiritual growth that they see in their children who grow up on Chick tracts. Here are some samples:
I`ve been a reader of Chick Publications for many years, as a matter of fact I would say growing up, (I am now 36) those publications had a great influence in my life to come to know Jesus as Lord. One of my wonderful Aunts was responsible because she had every assortment and I believed at the time, I`ve read all of them over and over. —H H, Email
I ordered a tract assortment because I recalled having read some of your tracts as a child in the seventies. My seven year old son sat down today and read nearly all of them on his own initiative. Then when his cousins came over today for the holiday, I overheard him saying, "you need to accept Jesus as your personal Savior-it`s the most important thing to do!" He was handing his cousins your tracts and witnessing to them. I never suggested this method to him at all, but the tract presents an opportunity for him to do this.
—T C, E-Mail