Chick Mail Bag Nov-2008

In my city I am doing an evangelistic work sending people tracts with the Gospel message. I strongly believe that the clear message given in the Chick tracts is very important especially to people in Poland. Since I converted a few years ago after reading Chick tracts, I consider your materials to be some of the best I have seen.
J.K., Poland

Please process my order as quickly as possible as I want to get this book (Understanding Roman Catholicism) to a special young Mom in my neighborhood. Please pray that this book will have the desired effect on this family who have three precious children. The mother is questioning her parent`s religious traditions as she nurtures her own little children, five years of age and younger. Please pray for God`s powerful wisdom upon her and her husband as she takes the first steps in seeking the truth. I have used this book before with great success. I thank you for making it available and I give thanks to God for Mr. Jones and his excellent work.
R.A. Oldsmar, FL

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