One-World Code Words Foreshadow Trouble for Bible Believers

Anyone who suggests that another's 'ideology' might consign him to hell is now labeled a violent extremist.

Is a Window for the Gospel Closing in India?

India appears to be nearing a change that may seriously affect the gospel.

Anti-Israel Campus Groups Lobbying for Hamas

This is happening on American soil. It is time to wake up!

Church Leaders Worried Over Drop in Baptisms

A Southern Baptist study finds that Christians are often abandoning witnessing. What`s even more interesting is the reasons why.

Jesus: Creator or Middle Man?

Can one tiny word lower the position of Jesus Christ?

Message From Jack Chick March/April 2015

Mary Wilhite died . . . faithful unto the end. I hope she inspires you to do the same.

Chick Mail Bag March/April 2015

Great ministry idea in public parks.

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