Abortion victim begs: "Don't Make the Same Mistakes I Did"

Hear some interesting facts on the effects of having an abortion.

New Bible Versions Promote Catholic Doctrine

Small changes in the wording of the Scriptures can often result in major changes in meaning.

Is Mary Necessary for Salvation? Millions of Catholics Think So

The place of Mary in Roman Catholicism is largely ignored by modern Protestants who are blinded by the false dream of ecumenical unity.

Polish Protestants Fear Treaty Will Bring Vatican Stranglehold

Polish President Lech Walesa has charged that his parliament's delay in signing a concordat, or treaty, with the Vatican shows "disregard of the Apostolic See."

Pastor Threatened with Arrest for Passing Tracts in Park

After reviewing the CLA materials, the city decided that Pastor Stevenson was free to share his faith.

"Bashful and Backward" Truck Driver Becomes Bold Missionary

In 1972, Bill Horstmeyer was a "bashful, backward" bread truck driver when he found a discarded copy of the Chick tract, This Was Your Life at a revival meeting.

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